“In her heart and mind, she never lacked confidence in victory”

YPJ statement on the martyrdom of Mezra Botan

“In her heart and mind, she never lacked confidence in victory”

History repeats itself in the person of the heroic fighters of this country. Those who left their mark on the age of the free people are making history with their devotion to these lands. Our comrade Mezra Botan (Çiçek Kılıç) joined the ranks of the freedom struggle at a young age in 2015 to confront the invading and genocidal Turkish state. With her self-sacrificing and courageous personality, comrade Mezra became the expression of the resilient people of Botan. She undertook a leading mission in the Rojava Revolution and was engraved in the hearts of all her companions with her practice and labor in the revolution. Just like the revolution flowing lustily and giving life to all the beings in these lands, comrade Mezra became a very same source of enthusiasm and morale for her companions.

In her heart and mind, she never lacked confidence in victory, believing that victory could only be achieved with great labour and cost. Capable of shouldering all her duties and responsibilities, comrade Mezra first deepened herself on the women’s liberation line and principles. This profoundness created an ever-humble companionship in her character.

She did not forget about the scream of dozens of young heroes in the basements of Cizre and Mother Taybet, whose body remained on the street in Silopi for days. She grew up with the culture of the resilient people of Cizre and continued her struggle without hesitation in order to be the voice of our people and avenge them.

Seeking to achieve her goal, comrade Mezra participated in the sniper training after the missions and duties she fulfilled. Recording rapid progress in the branch of sniper, she carried out countless activities in the revolution in 2018. She took part in the fight against the onslaught launched by the invading Turkish state and allied mercenaries on Gire Spi (Tal Abyad) on 9 October 2019. Like all other heroes, she took an oath to make sure that occupation forces did not set foot on these sacred lands.

Defending the honour and identity of her people, comrade Mezra joined the caravan of martyrs as a result of a Turkish bombardment on Ain Issa on 17 June 2023. We offer our condolences to her family and all our peoples standing for freedom. The invaders and the enemies forget that this revolution is growing and gaining strength with our fallen companions. As comrades of Mezra, we will not allow the flag we have taken over to be lowered in the skies of the country of the sun. With our loyalty and devotion to our country, we will march to avenge their incomplete dreams. We will not forget the heroes who sacrificed their lives for these lands. We pledge to make the dreams of our companions real.

The identity information of the fallen YPJ fighter is as follows:

Nom de Guerre: Mezra Botan
First-Last Name: Çiçek Kiliç
Mother’s Name: Güler
Father’s Name. Sadık
Birthplace: Silopi, Şırnak
Date and Place of Martyrdom: 17.06.2023/ Ain Issa

YPJ General Command