Our struggle for freedom and an autonomous land is increasing every day. Whatever hardships we face now, we will win freedom for our people. We will continue to protect the values of the revolution and will work relentlessly to spread the women’s revolution that started in Rojava.
Nûpel Têkoşer Dêrik’s real name was Sena Eli and she was born in Dêrik in 1999. She grew up in a patriotic family and joined the YPJ in 2018. As a young revolutionary, she was a fast learner, both ideologically and militarily. Our friend Nûpel became a true revolutionary for the Kurdistan Freedom Movement and was a vanguard of our struggle. With many talents and an intelligent mind she created meaning and truly lived a revolutionary life. Our friend Nûpel went through days of medical treatment after she had been wounded in a Turkish shelling on Ayn Issa on the 18.1.2023. Despite fighting hard to survive her injuries she could not be saved and lost her life on the 7.2.2023.
Our struggle against the Turkish occupying state is a just fight. With each fallen comrade, we renew our promise to defend our country. We express our condolences to the relatives and friends of Nûpel Têkoşer Dêrik and our patriotic people, and give our word to avenge the martyrs.
The identity details of the YPJ fighter are as follows:

Name and Surname: Sena Eli
Mother’s Name: Taybet
Father’s Name: Ebdillah
Martyrdom Date and Place: 07.02.2023, Heseke
YPJ General Command