Young women are one of the main forces developing and protecting the Rojava Women’s Revolution. Our revolution developed with the will and determination of thousands of women. By building a truly democratic system every day becomes brighter. Women who join the ranks of the YPJ find hope, strength and a concrete alternative for a free life.
Resistance and rebellion have a long tradition in the region of Botan, North Kurdsitan. In particular the women in Botan have always played a lead role in the struggle towards freedom for Kurdish people. This spirit of resistance is still active today, and many women continue this tradition. Our friend Hîcran Ecûz, known as Vejîn Jiyan, was born in the year 2000 into a family connected to the values of this long tradition of resistance in Botan. As a young woman, our comrade Vejîn grew up with stories of heroines resisting, and therefore was searching for a free life. In 2015, when the brutal Turkish state cruelly and inhumanely attacked the Botan region during the resistance for Democratic Autonomy in Northern Kurdistan, our friend Vejîn took the decision to stand up against all kinds of invasion and brutality. This is why, in 2016, she came to Rojava and joined the ranks of the YPJ.
Our comrade Vejîn was clear about her dreams and aims. In our ranks she learned to live a revolutionary life in a short time, and was insistently determined on developing and protecting free life. With her youthful spirit she educated herself and built her character on the basis of our principles. Our friend Vejîn felt responsible for educating the youth, and in this spirit of responsibility she taught hundreds of young people across Rojava. Being courageous and determined she carried out many important duties and responsibilities in every moment of her life. During the Rojava Revolution, she understood it was her task to liberate the people from the ruling regime and build a truly democratic system. As a young woman, she had a crucial role in creating women’s freedom. Our comrade Vejîn expressed her spirit of self-sacrifice by being deeply connected to the revolution.
On July 27, while performing duties in Al-Hasakah, our comrades Hasina Musa Muhammad (Avashin Kodi), Hiba Abdul Qadir Bakir (Hiba Hasaka), Berivan Abdul Khalaf (Berivan Hasaka), Amina Nebo Suleiman (Dilar Kobani) and Jiran Ali (Adar Kedi) were martyred as a result of a tragic accident. Our friend Vejîn was wounded and despite all treatment was martyred on August 7 due to her severe injuries.
Our most sacred promise is the one we give to our martyrs. We express our deepest condolences to the family of our beloved comrade and to our people. Many of our dear comrades have given their lives to protect their land. Our friend Vejîn was one of those friends, and we will always follow her goals and continue our comradeship in this way. Until the freedom of the people is guaranteed, our struggle will continue.
The identity information of our comrade are as follows:

Alias: Vejîn Jiyan
Name and surname: Hîcran Ecûz
Mother’s name: Nowruz
Father’s name: Bahram
Place and date of birth: 2000 / Cyprus
Place and date of martyrdom: 07.08.2023 / Haskeke
YPJ General Command