The genocidal and fasicst policy of the Turkish State is targeting the women’s revolution in particular; they commit terror attacks against women as a leading tactic.
Those attacks are political attacks and take place based on the ideas of denial and destruction. The Turkish state, in the frame of their special warfare, is taking revenge of the defeat of ISIS.
Women commanders who were on the front line in the fight against ISIS and were famous all over the world, who left their mark on history, who were an example for all those seeking freedom, are deliberately and systematically being targeted by the Turkish State.
On February 11th 2024, the drones of the Turkish occupying fascist state carried out an unprovoked attack on the Federation of the Wounded People of North and East Syria. In this attack, our commander and friends Sorxwîn Rojhilat and Azadî Dêrik fell martyrs. We remember with respect the clean souls of our martyrs, and we bow before them. We send our condolences to the dear families of the commanders Sorxwîn Rojhilat and Azadî Dêrik, and to our all those fighting for their land, to the revolutionary and fighting women, and to the comrades of those heroes of freedom. We promise our wounded friends and all our people that their blood will not stay on the ground; taking revenge for them is our first duty and responsibility.
The commander Sorxwîn (Fatma Sakan) opened her eyes to the world in the year 1985, in the city of Mako in East Kurdistan, in a family with the culture of national resistance. The tribe comrade Sorxwîn belongs to, the Celali tribe, is one that was rising up against the occupier and, until today, never surrended. People like Şîrîn Elemhûlî and Zeynep Celaliyan were shining examples of this resistance culture, and commander Sorxwîn fought every moment of her life, without hesitation, for the freedom of women and her people. She exemplified the historical rebellion of the Kurdish woman who cared for their land.
In 2014, when the brutality of ISIS in the city of Kobane reached its peak, young women from North, South and East Kurdistan went to Western Kurdistan (Rojava) and wrote epics fighting heroically in the city of Kobane. The resistance of comrade Sorxwîn and of all YPJ fighters echoed around the world. In this way, women left their land, and hundreds of international women arrived in Rojava.
Commander Sorxwîn, with her skill, courage and bravery, struck great fear into the hearts of ISIS. In this way, comrade Sorxwîn became one of the leaders of the war in Kobane, loved by its people as their brave commander and daughter Sorxwîn.
Commander Sorxwîn was seriously injured while resisting ISIS and sacrificed her sight to protect her people from the darkness of ISIS. Even though comrade Sorxwîn was seriously injured, she took as inspiration the sentence of Leader APO that says, “Wounded people are our martyrs who still did not die” and took her place in Kobane’s historical resistance without stopping for a moment. In this way, she enhanced the values of women’s freedom and had an important role and mission in the development and growth of YPJ.
Commander Sorxwîn is a symbol of the wiseness of women. In war and in her life, she was the expression of a brave, self-confident and loyal woman. The revolution of Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (Women, Life, Freedom), which was led by Jina Emini from Eastern Kurdistan (Rojhilat) and Iran, spread to the whole world. It first emerged from heroines like Shirin Elemhüli, Jiyan Mako, Sorxwîn Rojhilat and Zeynep Jalaliyan. Each of these heroic women, with great courage and sacrifice, showed the way to freedom for the women of Rojhilat, Persia and for all women.
Most recently, commander Sorxwîn had taken on important duties, taking responsibility for the Federation of Wounded of War of North and East Syria, contributing much to the rehabilitation of the wounded of the revolution, as well as other activities. With her vast knowledge, Comrade Sorxwîn was a source of strength and morale for each one of the wounded friends. She tried her best to create solutions to the problems, and with this, she took her place in the hearts of the people and women.
Comrade Azadi Derik (Emine Seyid Ahmed) was born in 1982 in the city of Derik Hemko. Comrade Azadi grew up in a patriotic family. When the spark of the revolution lit up West Kurdistan (Rojava), she joined the ranks of the revolution and took her place in the first women’s protection units. Our loyal comrade Azadi fought for the freedom of her people without hesitation. From the beginning of the revolution to her last moment, she was building her knowledge of legitimate self defense. Based on the principles of the Revolutionary People’s War, she was a leading commander in the war for freedom. With her modest attitude, she became an example of the militancy of a free woman. Comrade Azadi took an active position in all areas of the revolution with great commitment and dedication and contributed to it greatly.
Finally, on her request, our friend Azadi joined the activities of the Federation of Wounded of War. As the person responsible for activities of the wounded friends, she did a great job. She also worked with many local and international institutions to protect, educate and treat the wounded. With great enthusiasm, revolutionary responsibility and loving friendship, she took care of each of her comrades and played a big role in the establishment of the Federation of Wounded of War of North East Syria. Comrade Azadi carried out the struggle for freedom with great enthusiasm in every aspect.
Under the leadership of commanders like Sorxwîn and Azadi, as YPJ, we waged an unparalleled war against ISIS, but the occupying Turkish state is not only taking revenge on ISIS by targeting women leaders, but also weakening the ongoing fight against ISIS gangs, who are a threat for all the world. With these attacks, which are war crimes, and especially on the anniversary of the February 15 conspiracy (which led to the kidnapping of the leader Ocalan), the Turkish state has targeted the will of the free woman and the people. Women who consider the protection of their society based on Leader Ocalan’s thoughts and ideas, see it as a great threat to themselves.
We, as the comrades of Sorxwîn and Azadi, and as the YPJ Women’s Defense Units, will continue our struggle towards building of a free and peaceful future. We stand against all kinds of attacks against humanity by the occupying and fascist Turkish state, especially during the anniversary of the international conspiracy.
We call on all the women of the world and international institutions not to remain silent in the face of the genocidal mentality of the Turkish state. That’s why we are calling on all women’s liberation movements to take a political stance against the actions of the Turkish state.
We promise revenge to our people and all freedom-loving women. Let AKP-MHP fascism know that the YPJ will hold them accountable. We will always burn the fire of freedom of the revolution of ‘Women, Life, Freedom’, like the comrades Sorxwîn and Azadi, until all the thrones of men’s domination are burned. We once again repeat the promise to stay loyal to the martyrs and fulfill their dreams once again.
YPJ General Command
12 February 2023

Nom de guerre: Sorxwîn Rojhilat
Name and surname: Fatma Sakan
Mother’s name: Gozel
Father’s name: Îbrahîm
Place and date of martyrdom: Qamişlo – 11.02.2024

Nom de guerre: Azadî Dêrik
Name and surname: Emîne Seyîd Ehmed
Mother’s name: Alya
Father’s name: Yûsif
Place and date of martyrdom: Qamişlo – 11.02.2024