With the Revolution in North and East Syria, women living on these lands flooded towards the ranks of the freedom movement, uniting around the paradigm of society based on democracy, ecology, and the freedom of women. Courageous women realized their own organization under the name of the Womens Protection Units (YPJ).
The fire of revolution which illuminated the darkness of the era was lit by the leadership of fighting women on the roadmap to a free society. Under the name of YPJ, a relentless struggle for freedom is being waged. Struggle against the the oppressing male is giving new life, and is increasing day by day. Indeed, in the pursuit of our cause, many of our beloved comrades have sacrificed their lives. Our comrades Hesina Musa Mihemmed (Avaşîn Cûdî), Hîba Abdulqadir Bekir (Hîba Hesekê), Bêrîvan Abdil Xelef (Bêrîvan Hesekê) û Emîne Nebo Silêman (Dîlar Kobanê) with a celebrated spirit gave uncomparable labor towards the freedom of their people.
Our comrade Avaşîn Hesekê (Hesina Musa Mihemmed) grew up in a family possessing strong values of freedom. That reality lead comrade Avaşîn to take her place in the foundation of the self-protection units under the name of YXK (Kurdish Self-Protection Units). At the same time, with her guiding stance, she become one of the first members of the YPJ, and she was the first member of the YPJ from the city of Hesekê. Comrade Avaşîn was among those who fought heroically in every single step of the liberation, and gave her labor for every inch of liberated land of North and Eastern Syria. Without thinking even a moment for herself, she bravely took part in every front-line against the darkness of ISIS, fighting in Hasekê, Til Temir, and Deir az-Zor. Within the ranks of the YPJ, Comrade Avaşîn represented a dedicated heart to the earth of her country.
Our comrade Hîba Haseke (Hîba Abdulqadir Bekir) was very passionate and took much responsibility in all of her organizational duties. The family of comrade Hîba raised their child in a culture of patriotism, and with such an upbringing, her brother also joined the ranks of the freedom struggle. Her feelings of attachment to the martyrs also brought her to the struggle. With the spirit of comradery, Heval Hîba always carried the excitement of revolution within her heart.
Comrade Bêrîvan Hasekê (Bêrîvan Abdil Xelef) was also raised in a patriotic family, and joins the ranks of the freedom struggle after the martyrdom of her brother. With her energizing spirit, Comrade Bêrîvan became a source of excitement and joy for all her comrades. At the same time, she was known among her comrades for being a hard worker. Her dedication to the martyrs was represented in her every action.
The dedicated stance of comrade Dîlar Kobanê (Emîne Nebo Silêman) was given meaning by her love for her country. As a result, her struggle for freedom was waged with a huge feeling of love. Comrade Dîlar was raised with patriotic culture, and joins the freedom struggle after her sister. She sets out in pursuit of freedom of her country, ad becomes one of the struggling women. Inside the ranks of freedom, she became known for her honesty, and her spirit of resistance and uprising. With her stance of courage, she became a dedicated warrior for the freedom of the people.
Our Comrades Hesina Musa Mihemmed (Avaşîn Cûdî), Hîba Abdulqadir Bekir (Hîba Hesekê), Bêrîvan Abdil Xelef (Bêrîvan Hesekê) û Emîne Nebo Silêman (Dîlar Kobanê), with a great laboring spirit took responsibility for the values of freedom, and bravely accepted all duties within the ranks of the revolution.
On the 27th of July, our comrades Hesina Musa Mihemmed (Avaşîn Cûdî), Hîba Abdulqadir Bekir (Hîba Hesekê), Bêrîvan Abdil Xelef (Bêrîvan Hesekê) û Emîne Nebo Silêman (Dîlar Kobanê), fell martyr in the result of an accident which occurred in while on duty. We extend our condolences to the families of our comrades, and to the entirety of our patriotic people.
As the YPJ, we will struggle until the end for the accomplishment of the dreams of our comrades who have fallen martyr. Our connection and promise to the martyrs grows daily with the intensification of our struggle.

Nom de Guerre: Avaşîn Hesekê
First-Last Name: Hesina Musa Mihemmed
Mother’s Name: Zekiyê
Father’s Name: Musa
Birthplace: 1987- Hesekê
Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27.07.2023/ Hesekê

Nom de Guerre: Hîba Hesekê
First-Last Name: Hîba Abdulqadir Bekir
Mother’s Name: Fatma
Father’s Name: Abdilqadir
Birthplace: 2003- Hesekê
Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27.07.2023/ Hesekê

Nom de Guerre: Bêrîvan Hesekê
First-Last Name: Bêrîvan Abdil Xelef
Mother’s Name: Fethiye
Father’s Name: Ebdî
Birthplace: 1995- Hesekê
Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27.07.2023/ Hesekê

Nom de Guerre: Dilar Kobanê
First-Last Name: Emîne Nebo Silêman
Mother’s Name: Fatma
Father’s Name: Nebo
Birthplace: Kobanê
Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27.07.2023/ Hesekê
YPJ General Command