Interview with Rohilat Afrin
of YPJ General Command
Rohilat Afrin is commenting on the current wave of Turkish attacks
Rohilat Afrin is commenting on the current wave of Turkish attacks
Documentation of locations attacked by Turkey on October 5 2023
YPJ General Command releases statement on the current Turkish attacks
Interview with Sorxwîn Kobane: “ISIS is a danger to humanity itself.”
The last of our three-part series of articles sheds light on Turkish pre-election attacks on North and East Syria
Statement on the martyrdom of YPJ Commander Şervîn Serdar and her friends Nûcan Ocalan and Canda Cûdî
YPJ Media Center releases a statement on the martyrdom of Rojna Agid
Misusing the concept of jihad to legitimize violence & barbarism
Statement of the YPJ General Command regarding the martyrdom of Arab fighter Reem Ali Al-Jassem
The foundation, spread and fall of the ‘caliphate’