“Comrade Adar made a unique effort in developing the women’s struggle for liberation”
YPJ statement regarding the martyrdom of Adar Cudi
YPJ statement regarding the martyrdom of Adar Cudi
YPJ statement on the martyrdom of internationalist revolutionary Elefterya Hambi from Germany
YPJ statement about the campaign: “Against the attacks of the hegemonic man, we stand alongside the women of Afghanistan and Shengal”
YPJ statement on the martyrdom of Avaşîn Hesekê, Hîba Hesekê, Bêrîvan Hesekê and Dilar Kobanê
Beneath the Veil: Exposing phone content of foreign ISIS women
The impact of the Lausanne Treaty on the Middle East
and particularly on the Kurdish people
Speech delivered by YPJ commander Jiyan Tolhildan at a women’s forum before she was martyred in a Turkish drone attack
Statement of the YPJ General Command regarding the martyrdom of Nejbîr Zagros
Documenting Turkish drone assassinations of YPJ members in 2022
YPJ statement issued to mark the 11th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution